Seay Scents
Discover the power and joy of nature at your finger tips. Just Spray yourself, the room, your pillow, your pets, others, and enjoy the transformation.
Use essential oil blends spot specifically, in massage oils and diffusers, or make your own sprays.
Scents for the Body, Mind, Spirit, and Soul
- Present Moment Magic: to revitalize and realign your inner Self
- Joy of Life: to bring out you playfulness and childlike sense of humor
- Manifestation: for balance, igniting the will and sparking your inner drive.
- Letting Go: to accept transitory nature to life and letting go of common worries.
- Calm & Steady Presence: for balance strength and emotional support
- Balancing Good Cheer: for insomnia, headaches, depression, immunity, booster and guard against negativity.
- Rejuvenation Spray: calming to nerves and a pick me up
- Balancing & Calming Blend: purifying, uplifting, balancing, and calming and stimulating awareness.
- Soaring With The Angels: to assist with the traumatic time of transition that pet owners experience when our pets are in their final stage on this earth — good for humans during theirs as well — help pets and their friends.
What are Flower Essences?
Made with love to assist you on your journeys through life.
Flower essences are dilute extracts of flowers and plants that can be used for people as well as animals. Animals respond well to Flower remedies as they seem to have similar emotional issues as people. It is believed that diseases of the body come about as a result of imbalances or negativity at the level of the soul. By addressing the problem where it starts healing will result.
Flower remedies bring about a gentle healing by balancing our fears, anxieties, faults, and our failings while assisting us to attain our own highest potential. They act almost as a catalyst to allow healing.
Essential oils are the essence of the plant. They are medicinal as well as having a powerful effect on the senses. The use of oils topically as well as through our olfactory senses is one of the oldest methods of holistic healing dating back more than 5,000 years. Essential oils have so many uses from the power to transform our emotions to assisting to heal our bodies. The list of what each oil can do is beyond amazing and often sounds like snake oil; however, anyone who has used these precious gifts of nature can attest to their individual inherent powers.
Pets have a very good instinct and provide living proof that essential oils & flower essences effectiveness are not due to psychological factors.
Aloe Vera has been known for centuries to have therapeutic advantages and healing properties. It is rejuvenating, moisturizing, and hydrating for the skin. Known for helping with skin irritations and burns it is also good for acne and wrinkles; thus, making it an amazing tonic for the skin.
Witch Hazel has also been used for centuries to treat a wide assortment of ailments from insect bites, sore muscles, sun burn, rashes, inflammation, reduce pore size, acne, eczema, and has even been reputed to chase away mosquitoes. It has astringent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anesthetic properties. Aloe Vera and Witch Hazel make a perfect combo as a carrier for flower essences and essential oils making the sprays powerful, yummy for the skin, & not harmful for pets, just avoid spraying in one’s eyes.
Blends are available at Wind River Herbs in Thayne, WY, Mountain View Market in Alpine, WY & Jackson Whole Grocer, and Pet Place in Jackson, WY